Chugoku Bank Kurashiki Hachioji Branch en Kurashiki

JapónChugoku Bank Kurashiki Hachioji Branch



🕗 horarios

1221-7 Ōuchi, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0817, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-425-8002
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.603723, Longitude: 133.7520665

comentarios 4

  • いちくちそいち



    Immediately after opening, it gets crowded at the peak of the day. It will be empty after a while. The location is near a busy road intersection, so please be careful when entering and exiting the parking lot. When entering from the west side, you tend to be blocked by oncoming vehicles, so when exiting from the east side, it is necessary to check the safety multiple times and exit quickly.

  • 熊林檎



    I went to apply for a loan because I was buying a new car, but I received a paper notification that the loan was not approved. Since the price was normal, I tried to get connected to the person in charge, but the person seemed to be busy, so I asked for a call back from the person in charge, but instead of the person in charge, the call came directly from the loan company. I should have told the person in charge to call me. Moreover, I was not told that it was a replacement. I was disgusted by the way the loan person said this indifferently, so I said yes? However, rather than replacing it, I was given a loan to keep my current car and two cars. In the first place, when it came to loans, I was never asked if I wanted to bring two cars. The response is too poor. I've been there a few times, but when I'm waiting, the person in charge of insurance always comes to talk to me and it's a hassle.

  • Mutter



  • 元祖爆笑王



    When exiting from the parking lot towards Kurashiki, you need to be very careful.

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