Chugoku Bank i Kurashiki

JapanChugoku Bank



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-2-2 Achi, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0055, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 86-422-3300
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6006594, Longitude: 133.7671522

kommentar 5

  • t.s



    The inside of the store is bright and the greetings when you enter the store and the thank yous when you leave makes me feel very comfortable. I think the response is very thorough and easy to understand. From now on, I'm thinking of coming to the Ekimae branch instead of going to the Kurashiki branch.

  • A



    On March 29th, the last Friday of the fiscal year, around 10:30 a.m., the wait time and number of people were higher than usual. A male bank employee in his 40s or 50s who was sitting in the second row from the counter went out of his way to talk to a young female customer who had finished her business at the counter, and then began small talk at the counter. Apparently they were acquaintances, and they were talking about golf. The male employees were talking to me more aggressively than the female customers, which made me feel very uncomfortable. Didn't he see the other customers tired of waiting? The female customer may have been a customer, but his attitude was revolting. The female bank employee at the counter is working diligently.

  • Fumie. Y

    Fumie. Y


    The clerk who helped me with opening a new account was very friendly and polite. She explained terms and conditions thoroughly and made sure everything would work the best for me. It was almost their closing time but she was never rushing me to get out of the office. Pleasant experience!

  • しろねこ



    This is the first visit. The building still looked new and was clean. There were not that many ATMs.

  • 西野カナ



    The old lady at the counter, an old lady named Ido, is unfriendly and the worst. If you don't say it over and over, you'll be in trouble with an old lady who can't hear you😥There are too many old lady bank employees and old lady bank employees who are unfriendly. Branch managers should provide proper education and guidance! The other young female employees were very friendly! ️Can be evaluated⁉️

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