川越湯遊ランドホテル三光 w Kawagoe




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Japan, 〒350-0043 Saitama, Kawagoe, Shintomichō, 1-chōme−9−1
kontakt telefon: +81 49-226-2641
strona internetowej: www.kawagoe-yuyu.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.9171214, Longitude: 139.4834448

komentarze 5

  • Maru Saki

    Maru Saki


    Stayed at Kenko Land instead of a hotel. Admission fee: 2,000 yen + late night fee: 1,300 yen + nap room: 330 yen, total 3,630 yen. Close to Kita-in Temple, the Kura-zukuri townscape, and Clare Mall, it is in a great location that is perfect as a base for sightseeing. There are no outdoor baths, but there are all kinds of baths available. Shampoo and body soap are available, but toothbrushes, shavers, etc. are available for a fee. There is a manga corner on the basement floor and you can watch TV, so I don't think kids will get bored. (There is also a game corner, but there is only a pachinko machine and a catcher where you can get keys and win prizes) To be honest, aging is undeniable. I think you are doing your best. The main attraction of this health land is definitely the theater. I wanted to come again just for this play.

  • 4 t

    4 t


    I visited this place as a base for sightseeing in Little Edo, which has a large public bath. I think the location is good between the station and tourist attractions. This is an old-fashioned super public bath with a hotel function that gives it a quaint feel that has probably been loved by the locals for a long time. However, the following two points ・I requested a non-smoking room and the room I stayed in smelled clearly of cigarettes. It smells like I'm trying to override the ingrained tar odor with an air freshener and failing. ・Despite check-out at 10:00 in the morning, the large public bath was cleaned until 9:00, so you only had 1 hour to take a morning bath. I can only think that they have no intention of letting guests take a bath in the morning. So, I was far from satisfied. In particular, I think the cleaning time for the public bath can be improved soon.

  • dklrdwz



    They offer so tiny room for 2 persons. The room was quite old and furnitures are dated. It was not easy to communicate in english at front desk. They have nice ofuro(public bath) but quite dated some parts.

  • 前嶋剛臣




  • Kroekkrai Chanthalertwitthaya

    Kroekkrai Chanthalertwitthaya


    Very nice Ofuro.

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