沖縄銀行 石嶺支店 en Naha

Japón沖縄銀行 石嶺支店



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-219-1 Shuriishiminechō, Naha, Okinawa 903-0804, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 98-885-3131
sitio web: www.okinawa-bank.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 26.227783, Longitude: 127.7290591

comentarios 5

  • ・ SHINYA (‪かねちゃん‬)

    ・ SHINYA (‪かねちゃん‬)


    Previously, I went to Okinawa Bank Ishimine to complete the procedure, but there was a signboard etc. in front of the ATM. (I took a photo with my cell phone.) There was an article about ``dementia'' that made me feel uncomfortable. Although other banks have financial-related flyers, I have never seen an article like this, so I thought it would be strange for a bank to advertise an article about dementia. I didn't want to give money to the bank because I felt like I was being made fun of, and when I went through the process, I was furious at the male bank staff for their poor treatment. Really, at this time, is it the bank man's response? I felt that. Since then, I have avoided going to the Ishimine store.

  • さんちい



    Parking is inconvenient. It would be better to put up a sign or something in a place reserved for customers. Although there are few lanes, there are many users.

  • kinoko tonarino

    kinoko tonarino


    The response was very good. Thank you for kindly teaching me. Looks like the second parking lot is gone.

  • いちともしげ



    The bank employees are also kind. I always use it.

  • 上原賢次



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