CHITO en Fukuoka



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1-chōme-22-3 Ōhashi, Minami Ward, Fukuoka, 815-0033, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 90-1364-8860
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Latitude: 33.5571678, Longitude: 130.4266482

comentarios 5

  • 出張族



    First visit. I was shocked that I could have such a delicious hamburger lunch for only ¥900 including tax. Onion sauce was very delicious. The original sauce contained Worcestershire sauce and was easy to eat. What's more, you can get unlimited refills of soup, salad, and rice. i can't believe. The soup was delicious with consomme onion. The rice is freshly cooked and fluffy. I would like to try a different menu next time. It was a feast!

  • 椎名



    The hamburger is a type that is well-grilled rather than soft. You can enjoy a variety of hearty lunches for around 1000 yen. Self-service rice, salad, soup, cold food, etc. Within a few minutes walk from the nearest station

  • サマソル



    I went on a Sunday around 1pm. The restaurant was nearly full, but we managed to get a seat. This is a Western restaurant near the station. I had a hamburger lunch and it was delicious. The soup is also delicious. The hamburger was not soft, but well made. I think it's easier to eat using a knife and fork. Water, rice, soup, and salad are self-serve. Afterwards, customers came one after another and I realized that it was a popular restaurant. It was a Western restaurant in a relaxing town in Ohashi. I would also like to try other menu items. I was satisfied!

  • mai



    I had the demi-glace stewed cheese hamburger and the garlic onion sauce hamburger. The demi-glace looks great, the cheese hamburger is very delicious, and the volume is large, so it goes well with rice. As for the garlic sauce, this sauce is very delicious and goes well with rice as well. It's been a while since I last went there, but I can see that it's a popular restaurant. I will go again.




    Went there for lunch. Rice, soup, and salad are self-service, but the onion soup and salad are both delicious, so you might be happy to eat as much as you like. The main dish, the hamburger steak, had a nice texture and well-grilled meat, and personally, I found the sauce to be a hit. If you only want a hamburger steak, the set is only 900 yen, so it might be the best value for money. It is recommended that you reduce your hunger.

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