Chinraiken en Kure




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Japan, 〒737-0045 Hiroshima, Kure, Hondōri, 4-chōme−10−1 藤盛ビル 1F
contactos teléfono: +81 823-22-3947
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.245496, Longitude: 132.567432

comentarios 5

  • chisato shimizu

    chisato shimizu


    This is my first time going to Chinraiken...! I went on a Sunday and the restaurant closed at 3pm, but it seemed like they had run out of noodles and the shop was closed around 2pm. I made it just in time, so if you're going on a Saturday or Sunday, be careful! The cold noodles had a strong vinegar and mustard flavor, and when I tried normal spiciness, I started sweating in the second half. It also seems to have a sweet taste, so if you don't like spiciness, just tell them it's sweet and the spiciness won't go away, but it will become milder! The taste was refreshing, the volume was good, and it was delicious. When my child spilled water, they responded immediately and were very helpful. I would like to visit you again!

  • 37maaa



    Even though cold noodles are famous, it was too cold so I chose wonton noodles! The wontons are solid. I like meaty meat, so the taste was my type! I was waiting outside, so the soup soaked up my body. I also had shrimp shumai. delicious. I also had some cold noodles to share and it was delicious 😋 I want to go again

  • 赤すて



    When I was looking for a restaurant to eat cold noodles from Kure, I found the highly rated Chinraiken. I usually lined up to go to Mr. Kurei, but this time my wife also asked me a question. However, there was nothing wrong with this choice. It was already past the 11:30 opening time, but there were already two lines of customers. When it's time to enter the store, you buy a meal ticket inside the store, show the clerk what you bought, and get back in line. After a while, after the customers left, I went inside the store. My order had been taken, so I sat at the counter and waited, and the Saturday and Sunday set of chimaki was brought to me. After looking at the chimaki for the first time in a while, I peeled off the bamboo leaves and looked at the bamboo grass. Its chewy appearance already makes it look delicious. After that, cold noodles were brought out. After reading the instructions on how to eat it, I stirred the noodles and soup together and took a bite.The tangy taste spread through my mouth and it was delicious. To change the taste, I added vinegar and mustard halfway through. It becomes even more crispy and twice as delicious. It's already confirmed to be a repeat. The shrimp shumai I ordered together was also delicious. When I looked at the ticket vending machine, there were still many attractive items, so I will stop by again when I go to Kure.

  • カンMax



    There was a long queue 20mins before they open on a weekday. The cold noodles was good, but not extremely good that you must eat where you are in Kure.

  • TL



    Worth it for a 10 minute wait, but no more than that.

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