Chinese Restaurant Koraitei w Nagano

JaponiaChinese Restaurant Koraitei



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3247-1 Mamejima, Nagano, 381-0022, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 26-221-1261
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Latitude: 36.6352759, Longitude: 138.2408031

komentarze 5

  • h s

    h s


    Visited on a Sunday around 2:30pm. It was almost the last order, so I thought it would be empty, but the restaurant was almost full. I ordered half and half of Katayaki soba. The fried noodles were thick and had a chewy texture all the way to the end, giving it a junky quality similar to Karinto. My husband has meat miso ramen? I ordered it, and it was very delicious with a good miso aroma and taste. I also ate the gyoza here, and it was really delicious with lots of toppings and a nice aroma.

  • まさおママ



    The ankake yakisoba was delicious. There are also soft noodles and yakisoba. You can choose between small, regular, and large noodles. The photo is small.

  • HAKUBACOFFEESTAND Penguincafe898

    HAKUBACOFFEESTAND Penguincafe898


    I got hungry on my way to the sauna, so I googled and happened to find this Chinese restaurant. I could have eaten the daily lunch special if it was a little earlier, but I was still satisfied with the gyoza set meal for 750 yen. The gyoza had a thin skin and a lot of filling, and the crispy wings were a nice touch. I definitely want a cheap and delicious Chinese restaurant like this where I live. It was a feast ⛰.

  • たじまひでき



    May 2024 It's been a while since I last heard from you. It was a weekday night, but it was crowded. Ankake Kata Yakisoba large size I ordered the shrimp soba shrimp soup noodle mini fried rice + gyoza (3 pieces) set. The large size Ankake Kata Yakisoba is large in size and looks great. The thick and crispy kata yakisoba was topped with a lot of bean paste and was very filling.It was served with plenty of vinegar and mustard sauce. It was my first time eating shrimp soba, but it had a lot of vegetables and the seafood soup was delicious, so I liked it♪ The fried rice and gyoza were also delicious. I wanted to try almond tofu, but I ate a large portion, so I'll try it next time! first review I have visited several times. Double-pot meat set meal. I like the sweet and slightly spicy taste. My wife had Friday lunch A. Chinese soba & sauce cutlet bowl. It’s the appetite of a naughty child lol The chashu tasted like roast pork and was delicious. I ate almond tofu before and it was delicious, so I wanted to try it again, but next time.

  • しろくま



    It's open during the year-end and New Year holidays (January 2), and it's open all day long (I went there around 3pm). It was helpful. Shrimp soup noodles (shrimp soba) 1023 yen Street Chinese food! Ankake ramen with a gentle flavor. The volume is satisfying with plenty of shrimp and vegetables. It was a good idea to add chili oil or vinegar halfway through.

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