Chashuya Musashi Daigakumaeten in Niigata

JapanChashuya Musashi Daigakumaeten



🕗 öffnungszeiten

187-3 Ōno, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-2037, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 25-263-0634
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.8652815, Longitude: 138.952605

kommentare 5

  • こーいち



    I didn't want to eat in such a dark place. Are robots serving food in such a small shop? I don't think it's necessary.

  • 近藤洋輔



    This is a popular ramen shop in the Darumaya group, but this was my first visit. I ordered the most popular spicy miso char siu with flavored egg topping and the char siu rice + karaage set. The white miso-based soup is a little bland, but quite tasty. Mustard miso is an accent. The char siu is creamy and delicious, but I don't like it because the fat is too thick. I don't think mayonnaise is necessary for chashu rice. The fried chicken is similar to Tatsuta-age, and it's also quite delicious. The whole thing was greasy and made me feel sick. It's a popular restaurant with many customers even during opening hours, but it wasn't a good match for me. The customer service was very good. The parking lot is a little small and the road in front of it is a busy intersection so it gets congested. It's a little difficult to get in and out.

  • 南川善治



    It is delicious! There are four ramen shops crowded together in this small area. I had the mustard miso chashu men, and the rich miso and soup were topped with a punchy mustard miso. They seem to be proud of their pork chops, and there's a lot of melt-in-your-mouth pork on top. If you like chashu, please try it. During lunch time (11:00-14:00), you can choose between free small rice or half-price chashu rice (usually ¥220 ¥110). The parking lot is spacious, and there is no parking space reserved for motorcycles. There is no partition board in the waiting area of ​​the store, so people near the waiting area may be a little concerned about their line of sight. It seems that take-out ramen can be made at home or taken out by Uber.

  • Boris Boiarskii

    Boris Boiarskii


    Best ramen around Niigata university. Karashi ramen is the best one.

  • G D

    G D


    Most delicious karaage ever!

nächste Restaurant

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