Chantilly Hirano i Nagoya

JapanChantilly Hirano



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1-chōme-23-3 Meisei, Nishi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 451-0064, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 52-531-1012
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.1878079, Longitude: 136.8766637

kommentar 5

  • シノリツキ



    I like Catalana here, and it's been a while since I last went there, so I can understand why the prices have gone up, but the packaging of the Western confectionery I bought as a souvenir for my family was just a plastic bag, so I was disappointed. (That slightly cloudy semi-transparent bag that you use to put trash in) It used to be a slightly cheaper cake shop in town, but the prices have gone up and now you can buy it in the basement of a department store for just 30 yen more, so there's no reason to come here anymore. I'm sorry. But Catalana is delicious. /Matcha/¥210

  • 璃映



    The parfait made by the cake shop is so cute🩷 Nishi-ku, Nagoya ◇ Chantilly Hirano ◇ Cute parfait for strawberry season🍓 We started this year with "Shanti Hirano". It was actually planned to be in the morning, but the moment I saw it...I asked for it🤣✨ ◇Strawberry parfait 1,850 yen The swan shoe is so cute🩷 The parfait made by the cake shop is creamy and delicious, and the swan choux is fluffy and delicious♡ It was a happy time where we enjoyed plenty of strawberries and cream. Thank you for the meal🙏 ………………………………… 🏠 Shanti Hirano 📍1-23-3 Meishi, Nishi-ku, Nagoya 🈺9:00〜19:00 Closed Wednesdays and Thursdays 🅿️ Yes ………………………………… #Shanti Hirano

  • sa m

    sa m


    I'm asking for Christmas and birthday cakes. Last year, we each wanted to eat our favorite cake! So I decided to make individual cakes instead of whole cakes. My husband, who doesn't eat chocolate cake, chose the chocolate cake, which is rare, but it was delicious! It said. They didn't have it for Christmas, but I love the crepes here.

  • Urayama Toshiko

    Urayama Toshiko


    This shop was previously shown on TV. My companion wanted to go there, so I came along. It's a cake shop, but there is a morning service. I passed by the store several times when I was driving towards Nagoya. I was passing through. Western confectionery shop and cafe along National Route 22 The recommended cheese is the cheese made from the oven. [Morning] 9:00-11:00 ・Order your favorite drink Comes with rye toast (half) + egg salad + yogurt. Upgrade for +300 yen ・Cake shop's fresh cream toast set (drink fee + 300 yen) ・Melting cheese toast set (drink fee + 300 yen) ・Choice of cake morning (drink fee + 300 yen) (Choose a cake under 480 yen from the showcase) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The cake shop/cafe in the city was small, but The restaurant has a stylish atmosphere with a fireplace. ★Choice of cake morning (drink fee + 300 yen) (Choose a cake under 480 yen from the showcase/Sabalan) Coffee + rye toast (half) + ice cream + yogurt + cake (cake set 30 yen off) = 720 yen ~? ★ Melting cheese toast set (drink fee + 300 yen) = 750 yen ★Kiln-fresh cheese ~ Takeout 250 yen (Is it too salty?) In-store 280 yen x 2 pieces & 1 matcha ice cream included The customer service staff were friendly and nice. Parking lot is along the road and difficult to get into. On this day, there was a light car and the parking lot was empty. Thank you for the meal. (2023.11.25)

  • Marcio Saiki

    Marcio Saiki


    Good price, cake is good, lots of different options. Staff is friendly but just speak Japanese. Always stop here to buy some cake.

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