Centre The Bakery en Chūō-ku

JapónCentre The Bakery



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Japan, 〒104-0061 Tōkyō-to, Chūō-ku, Ginza, 1 Chome−2, 中央区銀座1丁目2−1 東京高速道路紺屋ビル
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3562-1016
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6755953, Longitude: 139.766533

comentarios 5

  • en

    HK Ong


    Best bread n toast ever! Been coming every time in tokyo

  • Jon Spencer

    Jon Spencer


    It was definitely an interesting experience for sure. You line up for approximately 30 mins to 1 hour to get in. Once you walk in you are able to choose a range of bread (toast) styles, butter, jams and drinks. Once ordered you can make your way to the side where you can pick a style of toaster that you like. To sum it up, its a bakery with a cafe where you toast your own bread to drink with a coffee or tea. It's extremely expensive and not worth all the hype. The only good thing I can point out is the great customer service. If you have money to burn and want to experience the high life of Ginza - would recommend.

  • en

    Lukasz Sawicki


    Surprisingly the best toasts we ever had. I would recommend this place, although I would recommend to book it first as the are always queues. It also is a nice experience to see how Japanese customers are unfamiliar with the idea of toasts and how to use roster.

  • Gareth D'Souza

    Gareth D'Souza


    Strange concept where you can pick your own toaster and make toast at your table.... But we tried the French toast instead. It was very well made and quite savoury. But the cream and maple syrup balance it out well. Very well presented, and professional staff, spoke English and provided an English menu.

  • en

    Jackie Yeap


    Very interesting place for a quick snack break. The bakery offers a platter with three different toasts (bread using different flour) and an amazing selection of jam and butter. The French butter offered was superb and the day we went they had a chestnut spread which I liked a lot. For takeout, there is usually a long line to take the loaf of bread to go. Generally no line for dine in (except around lunch time). This would be a 5 star if prices are a bit cheaper (paid about 8 bucks for a cup of ice coffee).

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