Cat Cafe Nyafe Melange in Shibuya-ku

JapanCat Cafe Nyafe Melange



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Japan, 〒150-0013 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, 渋谷区Ebisu, 1 Chome−1−7−13 麻仁ビル恵比寿 3F
kontakte telefon: +81 3-5449-4024
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6483007, Longitude: 139.7105702

kommentare 5

  • Ahmad Younis

    Ahmad Younis


    Best cat cafe in Tokyo! The cats are lovely, the place is very clean and the owner is extremely nice, highly recommended.

  • en

    sean lin


    This place is great for cat lovers, very cosy, comfy, friendly

  • Joanne Yen

    Joanne Yen


    I visited two cat cafes during my latest visit to Japan and while the other cat cafe was newer, better decorated, had prettier cats and was easier to get to, Nyafe Melange was definitely the better cafe! For one, Nyafe's manager is also the owner of the cats and you can tell she personally cares of all of them. She can tell you about their personalities, likes and dislikes, tricks they might be persuaded (with food) to do. There is a sense of coziness that Nyafe offers. The owner is really welcoming and kind and it feels like you are visiting your crazy cat lady friend's home. At other cat cafes, it feels like a very manicured experience with many many many rules and worst of all, the cats seem to be forced to 'perform'. At Nyafe, the owner let us know what each cat's boundaries were, some enjoyed pets, some you need to give them their space, and should any of the cats tire of hoomans, there is a back room for them to retreat to. TIP: If you are visiting later in the day, it might not be worth it to buy snacks for the cats because they are unlikely to be hungry. So snacks would not help buy their affection. If you end up visiting Nyafe - which I recommend that you do - please say hello to Latte and Mocha, they are Himalayan sisters and if you walk by the right spot, they may hitch a ride on your shoulders

  • en

    Freddie Sim


    Nice place, friendly cats, charges are 700 yen first half an hour. Latte 360 yen. Clean place. Good for cats lover

  • Patricia Vidal

    Patricia Vidal


    It was a big experience to me because I love cats. When you arrive you pay the time that you will spend and if you would like take a cup of tea also you have to pay. I chose with the drink my focus were the cats. You will remove your shoes and clean your hands. They have all prepare for them: food, brushes, and you can have a sit and touch them or play with them. Time spent very fast but if I would come back I will visit them.

nächste Cafe

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