Cat Cafe MoCHA in Shibuya-ku

JapanCat Cafe MoCHA



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Japan, 〒150-0042 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, Udagawachō, 32−12 アソルティ渋谷 8F
kontakte telefon: +81 3-6455-3503
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.661153, Longitude: 139.69742

kommentare 5

  • en

    Daniel Reyes


    Definitely a novelty type experience. It's not cheap but not too expensive. The cafe was clean and employees were pleasant. They basically charge by the quarter of an hour. If you really love cats, it's a must visit in Shibuya. Otherwise, I would probably skip it.

  • en

    Michael May


    I was expecting this to be touristy and mediocre but I had a wonderful experience. The cats were having their nails trimmed, faces washed and fur brushed by diligent staff. They seemed happy and well treated and they were friendly. Unlimited drinks at a reasonable price was a nice perk too.

  • Dominique Charriere

    Dominique Charriere


    Nice cat cafe, cats are all beautiful and so quiet and friendly. Drinks are just ok though. If you love lovely cats...

  • Kyle Turner

    Kyle Turner


    No one else was in here. I was the only customer. Besides this, they charge by the 10min incriment, and if you are 1 min over, they charge for the next 10min. You are also required to buy a drink. They JUST so happened to start the feeding for the animals, 1min before my 20min was up. It was nice to pet some cats, but think twice about if the money is worth the value. In my eyes, it was not.

  • Susanna Song

    Susanna Song


    Staff, four eyed dork, super rude. wouldn't let me use the toilet before starting the timer. I basically have to pay to use the toilet. He told me there was one downstairs. That was a lie. I had to go to Don Quixote. While I was there I bought socks, because their slippers looked old and dirty. The fee was pricier than usual. The cat treats are small, cheap and 100 yen a piece. The cats will only pay attention to you if you have a treat. These cats are not playful... maybe 1... the one with multi colored one with short legs. The cat cafe in shinjuku, is much better. Reasonably priced, cats are playful. They just want your money and not nice to tourists

nächste Cafe

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