Cascade Cafe en Minato City

JapónCascade Cafe



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Japan, 〒107-0052 Tokyo, Minato City, Akasaka, 1-chōme−12−33 ANAインターコンチネンタルホテル東京 2F
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3505-1185
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6682489, Longitude: 139.7407287

comentarios 5

  • Ron D

    Ron D


    It’s a buffet in a 5-star hotel with a decent lineup pumped up by seasonal dishes and sweets. The price would have been unreasonable if it weren’t for the red king crab and hotate. The pumpkin potage and strawberry macaron were delish. Overall, our experience here was a good one.

  • J.C.H.



    Very nice restaurant Good service Tasty food Clean I’d improve the following: • Only 90min is not enough if you’d like to try everything - 120min should he better as others buffet do offer • The soft drinks are not included in the buffet price, so you need to pay an extra f +1.600 yen, which sounds a bit expensive

  • mw



    Have dinner buffet at late November 2019. Very nice cafe to chill with friends. Not a huge dinner buffet but good enough. More important is I came for the crabs and deserts. They're so nice! I even made crab meat prumkin soup and crab meat pizzas myself 😁 Also like the scallops and roast beef. The chocolate cake macarons and a ice lemon tea make the dinner buffet a perfect ending!

  • Martlet



    Tried the dinner buffet here. The seafood menu included fish cake, fried fly oyster, saute tuna's cheek with garlic, anglur fish and cuttle fish bouillabaisse, grilled scallop in miso sauce, clam chowder, fish head soup, smoke salmon, crab... Be frank, the food provided was not terrible but very average standard. Nothing outstanding nor exceeded expectations. Only tap water, hot water and tea were free flow and included in the charge. Other beverages were at additional costs. If interested, please consider making a reservation online. There was a decent discount offer.

  • Boss



    Booked dinner on ikkyu restaurant - was 4600 yen per person including tax and service charge. For this price I was very impressed. They had crab and decent size crab with lots of meat not like some other hotel buffets where you need to eat 10 legs for not much crab. The quality of the food is good (again for this price) Macaron seems the be the high light of the dessert bar with numerous ones to choose from. Again stellar price and decent food. Highly recommend

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