
🕗 åbningstider

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1-chōme-50-8 Tennōchō, 半田市 Aichi 475-0859, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 569-25-0331
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.8961056, Longitude: 136.9266511

kommentar 5

  • B Ch

    B Ch


    Mediocre rooms and food. Only has 1 lift which can get crowded in the morning. Internet is very slow!

  • sankalp vashishtha

    sankalp vashishtha


    As other hotels, the rooms are similar sized. It has a hot pool for relaxing as Japanese style which can relax you after full day of tiredness. For vegetarians there aren’t much options.

  • Margaret Lehmann

    Margaret Lehmann


    It’s been a wonderful stay. This hotel is close to the station. A splendid breakfast with many options. Rooms are nice enough. Onsen - a lovely treat. The staff speaks enough English to help you get checked in and answer basic questions. Super friendly.

  • jared Elliott

    jared Elliott


    Room was clean and well finished but extremely small. Just enough room for the bed and luggage. It is a double bed by Western standards so a tight fit for two people. Elevator waits were very long. What annoyed me the most was that when I arrived with my wife they doubled the room charge and deleted my free breakfast that was included with the reservation that was made for me by the agent. Their explanation was lacking and cold. Stayed here because it was close to our customer's location. Would only stay here for one night, alone for customer visit only. Otherwise will avoid

  • Sachin Yadav

    Sachin Yadav


    Very good hotel with all the facilities. Big elevator. You have a hot water bath on the top floor which is open till 10pm. Washing machine and dryer is available. You can take bicycles from the hotel free of cost to roam around the town. Wi-Fi speed is awesome. The toothpaste, toothbrush and towels are replaced daily. Rooms are cleaned daily. Complimentary breakfast.

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