CAFE RODAN 屋島店 w Takamatsu

JaponiaCAFE RODAN 屋島店



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒761-0102 Kagawa, Takamatsu, Shindenchō, 甲595−3
kontakt telefon: +81 87-843-2230
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.3250546, Longitude: 134.1028403

komentarze 5

  • むち子さん。



    As I was passing by. Since I was feeling thirsty, I stopped by here. I had a waffle and a latte. A chewy waffle with mildly sweet cream and ice cream. There's a lot of volume, so it feels like a good deal. The inside of the store was spacious, and perhaps because we were at a good time, it wasn't too busy and we had a relaxing time.

  • chtata



    On my first visit, I ordered the spicy pork stir-fry. There were about 5 pieces of 2-3cm pieces of pork, and most of them were fried onions. As soon as the food arrived, it was obvious that there was no meat. Ginger gives it a nice tingling flavor. Isn't it too much sugar? The seasoning was so sweet that even an amateur could tell, whether it was sweet or spicy. All ingredients and seasoning cost 900 yen. . . That's what it feels like. I love going to cafes and visit them often, but this was the first time I was so disappointed. I went there because it was close to my house, and the large store was a hangout for older people. There was an old man and an old woman at each table who were lingering in loud voices, which made me uncomfortable. I can understand why young people come once in a while but leave right away. Everything was disappointing.

  • chaossince2000



    It's close to my house, so I use it often. The waffles are voluminous and delicious. The tables are well spaced apart, so I think you can have a relaxing time. The staff is very friendly and attentive, such as when we went with a group of 5 people, they put two tables together. My friend from Tokyo also said he liked it.

  • kazunobu 1971

    kazunobu 1971


    Morning Cafe in Nitta-cho, Takamatsu City To CAFE RODAN❣️ The store is spacious. Where should I sit? I want to drink coffee in the morning I was curious. M I X Juice🤭 Famous MIX juice for toast morning Huge🫢 Delicious😋 Thank you for the meal♪ Enjoy your meal by following the rules of the restaurant. You can use paypay. (With ashtray) Enjoy go in Hidari is smoking, Migi is smoking There is no partition, so it is unclear whether smoking is separated. #Kagawa Prefecture #Kagawa Prefecture Cafe #Kagawa Prefecture Gourmet #Kagawa Prefecture Morning #Takamatsu City #Takamatsu City Cafe #Takamatsu City Gourmet #Takamatsu City Morning #Cafe Rodin #Caferodan #Caferodan Yashima store #Mixed juice #Delicious shop #Thank you for the meal

  • Mi Ho

    Mi Ho


    Spacious store. Waffles have long been a famous image. like before Wow, that’s wonderful! I'm not so impressed anymore... I think it's because there are so many things that stand out in others. You can eat waffles without making them crumble. I would appreciate it if there was a discount on the drink set.

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