cafe & restaurant SALUTE(サルーテ) i Iizuka

Japancafe & restaurant SALUTE(サルーテ)



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1668 Tateiwa, Iizuka, Fukuoka 820-0003, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 948-52-3966
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.6499867, Longitude: 130.6904614

kommentar 5

  • HI_Aのん



    A restaurant that requires reservations. You can enjoy authentic Italian food. Not only Italian food, but also Japanese-style hors d'oeuvres are available in a wide variety of colors and are fun and delicious for both the eyes and the taste. I don't eat cream pasta, but the tomato-based one was excellent. The portion size is moderate, so even if you order hors d'oeuvres, you can enjoy a variety of dishes without putting a strain on your stomach. The lady who runs the hall is very friendly and we can have a good conversation and enjoy the meal.

  • Uri. t.

    Uri. t.


    Reservations are required, there is no parking lot, there are no noticeable signs, and the building looks like a normal private house. I have a hard time finding it. You can eat delicious Italian food at this hidden restaurant. There are only about 4 tables, so it may be difficult to make a reservation. When I told them that I would be sharing the meal with my companion, they divided the serving into two plates in advance, prepared what I couldn't eat to take home, and I was very happy that they were considerate in various ways. It has a homely atmosphere, and the wife who runs the hall seems to like to talk, so please feel free to talk to her. The menu is so rich that you'll want to come back again.

  • Hirofumi Koga

    Hirofumi Koga


    We used it for our wedding anniversary dinner. We had a wonderful time, and the food at this restaurant made the day memorable. Thank you very much for your consideration.

  • Sadaman T.

    Sadaman T.


    This is a hidden Italian restaurant. There are no noticeable signs, so many people may get lost at first. Please note that walk-ins will not be accepted unless you make a reservation. However, it is OK to call on the day if there is availability. (If you want soup, you must make a reservation at least one day in advance) The pricing system is based on the option of adding salads, desserts, etc. to the pasta menu of your choice, but there is no flat rate for pasta, so it may be difficult to understand. I think they try to create dishes that bring out the flavors of fresh ingredients as much as possible. The overall taste is gentle, but the volume is surprisingly large. (The appetizer alone is quite large) It is also possible to rent it out for the night as a group with an order of 30,000 yen or more.

  • Japonica Lagopus

    Japonica Lagopus


    Enjoy delicious Italian food in a homely atmosphere. Please note that advance reservations are required.

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