cafe maltid i 広島市

Japancafe maltid



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袋町五番館3階, 6, 4-6 袋町 中区 広島市 広島県 730-0036, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-246-0670
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.3917994, Longitude: 132.4580405

kommentar 5

  • hayasta ikefukuro

    hayasta ikefukuro


    I used it for tea time and ordered Hiroshima lemon pancakes and iced coffee. It looked fluffy, but it was actually chewy, which was a new texture for me personally, and it was delicious with the ice cream and plenty of fresh cream surrounding it. When you look at it from a distance, it looks like it has been sliced ​​into rings, which is very stylish. Payment also supports PayPal.

  • To Mae (ToMa)

    To Mae (ToMa)


    Came here on the day of the pretzel sandwich. The first bite of the potage was amazing 😆 The salad, the mackerel escabish on the side, and of course the pretzel sandwich were all delicious as I savored the flavors 🙏 What looks like okonomiyaki is a pancake🥞 It has plenty of chocolate sauce and tastes like a sweet! The famous pancakes were thick, fluffy and delicious🥰 Very cozy. Food looks and tastes great! Should try the “Matcha Kokedama(mini Bonsai using moss 🌳) parfait”!

  • 石之原さとみ



    I came here because I wanted to eat sweets. The store was busy as it was a holiday. When they brought me the menu, there were some items that were only available for a limited time. They didn't tell me about the recommendations written above the kitchen or when they were sold out. Also, perhaps because it was so lively, I tried to order three times when I passed by, but I was turned away. Oh, you can hear me... I would appreciate it if you would be considerate of those waiting for orders. I ordered the pancakes that I was interested in. The set with drink is 1300 yen. I was surprised at how quickly the product arrived. It was so chewy and delicious that you could fill up with just one piece! The fresh cream wasn't too sweet, the vanilla ice cream wasn't too sweet, and there was also a sprinkle of powdered sugar, so everything combined to give it just the right amount of sweetness. I ordered black coffee and was very satisfied. I also got a bite of the French toast that another child ordered, and it was fluffy and delicious. I'd like to come again on a calmer day, so I'll give it a 3 star rating.

  • けんだま



    Pancakes will be served from 2pm. There are only 12 meals available, so I made a reservation over the phone. Take the elevator to the 3rd floor and you will find the store. 🥞Lemon tiramisu pancakes (with drink) I received it❣️ The chewy and bouncy pancakes🥞 are delicious~❣️ When you insert a knife into the pancakes, they feel chewy and stretchy, which is my favorite type of pancake ❣️❣️ Lemon peel is kneaded into the pancake batter. The cream also contains lemon, has a refreshing sour taste, and is very delicious❣️❣️*\(^o^)/*

  • Jessie Meng

    Jessie Meng


    Very visually pleasing pancakes. They were soft, chewy, and delicious. Weren’t cheap though.

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