Cafe Kotonoha w Sendai

JaponiaCafe Kotonoha



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-22 Tsutsumidōriamamiyamachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-0914, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 22-728-5157
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.2775776, Longitude: 140.8689846

komentarze 5

  • Lonely Rider

    Lonely Rider


    The atmosphere inside the restaurant is casual, simple, and bright. This time "Cream puff ¥324" "Cheesecake ¥410" I took out. The cream puffs are filled with rich custard cream and the top lid is lifted. I think the sweetness is quite strong. Although the cheesecake is small in size, it is moist, soft and delicious.

  • 高橋多江



    For the dessert plate, you can choose two of today's cakes, and it comes with coffee jelly and baked goods. You can eat as many pieces as you like without it being too overwhelming. The atmosphere of the shop was also a relaxing place where white was precious.

  • 106YOSHI



    Cafe Kotonoha Take out and enjoy Hanbunko with your family! ! Mont Blanc 480 yen Excellent item Fig short 480 yen, seasonal and delicious Strawberry mousse chocolate cake⁈ 480 yen Normal (^。^) Mont Blanc available only at this time of the year I came to the store after 2pm and there was only one left?! Only 2 seasonal figs left Other than that, there are some ^_^ Montblanc last year too. I could only eat it once or twice. When I asked them, they told me that Montblanc would release it as soon as possible thanks to their efforts. The number of inquiries increases during this period. I'd love to! ! Please enjoy it♪

  • 佐藤久仁子



    The store has a soft atmosphere and is a comfortable place to spend time. All the staff are very calm and seem to be easy to come by. The cake was not too sweet and very delicious. I visited you another day and this time it was a dessert set. I baked two of my favorite cakes, coffee jelly, pound cake, and meringue. The cake was made with chocolate and orange mousse and cream puffs. The mousse has a nice texture of pie flakes at the bottom. When you remove the top lid of the cream puff, it becomes thick and creamy. It was a delicious custard where you could feel the gentleness of the eggs.

  • カチコチサラダ



    I received herbal tea and a hot sandwich (tomato pizza). You can drink about 2.5 cups of hot herbal tea. The temperature was a little high, so I thought I wouldn't have to worry about getting burned at 60-70 degrees, which makes it easy to drink after steaming. The hot sandwich has a crispy crust that doesn't fall off when you eat it, and the ingredients inside are cut so that it's easy to eat. The softness of the boiled egg white was very delicious. There are 3 seats, and there are paperback books etc. I think it looks good with a bookshelf. The cakes in the showcase were neatly arranged, and the boxes were very cute. Personally, I think it's a cafe that is easy to enter by yourself.

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