Cafe Kingyo-zaka in Bunkyo City

JapanCafe Kingyo-zaka



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5-chōme-3-15 Hongō, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3815-7088
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.7089553, Longitude: 139.7592669

kommentare 5

  • Dmitry Ivanov

    Dmitry Ivanov


    A very old golden fish shop with a cozy local cafe inside the building. The food is delicious and not expensive for the size (2,000¥ for a set with drink). One of the favorite places, a hidden gem

  • Erik Carlblom

    Erik Carlblom


    350 year old Goldfish shop! Family has been running it for 7 generations! Is there really anything else you need to know? Didn't try the cafe there, but the kids goldfish fishing was fun for my child. You can walk around the outdoor pools/tanks, and it's a fun, nice little store.

  • char (char)

    char (char)


    Loved this cute cafe, it was so unique and had a lovely atmosphere. As a British girl I enjoyed having a good cup of tea here while on holiday. The cutlery was all very elegant an just reminded me of home. Everything is also goldfish themed so really recommend for any goldfish lovers.

  • Xiro Ar (Alphonz)

    Xiro Ar (Alphonz)


    They say their business has been going on for 350 years with goldfishes, and they still are now. You can goldfish, wholesale or just buy goldfish, play with goldfish here. A whole adjacent big house is the cafe bar restaurant where you can enjoy deer but fine foods and drinks. It opens until 9pm and you'll feel cosy on any of 3 floors you get a seat.

  • Carlos Kawashima

    Carlos Kawashima


    This cafe creates the best if you spend time calmly. The simple meal is possible, but can enjoy coffee in a slightly nostalgic atmosphere in a shop after having appreciated goldfish. Because cafe stock abundant Havana cigar, please try you‼️

nächste Cafe

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