Cafe Keshipearl en Kobe

JapónCafe Keshipearl



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒651-0087 Hyogo, Kobe, Chuo Ward, Gokōdōri, 6-chōme−1−25 ももの木三宮ビル
contactos teléfono: +81
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6934086, Longitude: 135.1978181

comentarios 5

  • Prati Vaswani

    Prati Vaswani


    I ordered a cappuccino and it was so good!!! They served it in such a beautiful cup. I also really liked the interior and the ambience was very chill and calming. Next time I’ll get the cake it looked delicious!!

  • A D

    A D


    Lovely atmosphere, the most friendly and helpful staff (who speak English), the best coffee I’ve had in Japan. I came here two days in a row to get the coffee! Would definitely recommend!

  • Halimah Noveriana

    Halimah Noveriana


    I love the atmosphere. It was so calming and cozy. The waitresses also very kind on explaining the menus. I’d like to visit here again to another cheese cake menus😆 The Iced soy chai latte also very delicious, I love it!

  • Scott Combs

    Scott Combs


    I loved it. The entrance was neat and when you walked in the atmosphere was laid back. The women running it were really kind and made the whole time feel very welcoming. The menu was very well illustrated and was adorable. The cake quality was amazingly good. Combined with the ice coffee, for the hot day when I went, made for a very nice time.

  • Vera Huang

    Vera Huang


    Two stores in one building. One on right end 2F, one on left side 9F (there’s an elevator). Have to be really quiet and talk almost in whisper, so not great for family or chatty friends. Also it’s difficult for them to accommodate group of 3 or more. Went in on a Friday afternoon with family, 3 people, was looking for a place to just relax after sightseeing. So it worked out for us. Got seated in the 9F store. Drip coffee was good. Cheesecake is a must-try. Staff were also very nice.

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