Café de Voila en Takarazuka

JapónCafé de Voila



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒665-0844 Hyogo, Takarazuka, Mukogawachō, 2−10 NTTビル 1階 手塚治虫記念館前
contactos teléfono: +81 797-86-1111
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8068555, Longitude: 135.3482124

comentarios 5

  • Cocoa



    I used to go to a nearby hair salon and often passed by the road in front of it. ☕️I came here because I had been interested in having some tea for a while. The person who greeted me at the store was so beautiful and had a great aura✨Sorry to disappoint, but I later learned that she was Maho Shiomi, a former member of Takara Jenne...✨As expected💖Her demeanor✨She was so nice that I couldn't help but keep following her with my eyes. . 💖 The LIVE that suddenly started at the store was unexpected💖I was so happy. Your singing voice is amazing and I’m grateful to be here today🙏 He was a very humble and kind person and took many photos with me, so I left the store feeling very moved. Next time I would like to come with my friends to try the delicious pancakes🥞💖 My mother-in-law, who was not very well, became very energetic. I'll bring you again ♡

  • Victor Hunter

    Victor Hunter


    We made a trip out to see a Takarazuka show but it was cancelled. We were obviously disappointed so we stopped in here for something to eat. Little did we know we'd get a wonderful performance from former Takarazuka players, great food, and a lovely conversation with Maho and Kana. It's a special place and I hope I can make it back there someday. Sending lots of love from Canada.

  • Jaume Mila

    Jaume Mila


    Very very elegant place with tasty goods

  • JoAnn Biederman

    JoAnn Biederman


    I've never experienced such soft fluffy pancakes in my life!

  • Suzy MV

    Suzy MV


    This cafe is rather chic and the prices are on the upper range. Their pancakes are very soft and fluffy and taste good; a few salty options (none are vegetarian) and average size portions. There is an English menu but it doesn't provide properly every information so I ordered the wrong meal - it was fine but I would have appreciated to know exactly what I ordered. The waitresses are very polite and dedicated, so the whole experience was pleasant. :)

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