Cafe de Lyon en Nagoya

JapónCafe de Lyon



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1-chōme-23-8 Nagono, Nishi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 451-0042, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 52-571-9571
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.1749111, Longitude: 136.8914564

comentarios 5

  • すばるうまうま



    I visited here before lunch at the request of a friend. This is a famous cafe on Shikemichi. Personally, I was picturing it as a parfait, but I see they also have cake. I decided to make a cake on this day because it was the same one as an acquaintance. “Seasonal Half Mille-feuille” 935 yen This day it was strawberries. It takes a lot of time to make the candy and assemble it. As expected, it was freshly assembled as it was just assembled. Regardless of the taste, it looks great. "Rion Blend" 605 yen The cake set comes with one drink. I guess it's natural since it's a set. You can take great photos anyway. Thank you for the meal.

  • David Tan

    David Tan


    Why I come to this cafe is because it’s on a recommended website. The place is kinda small. I’m here at about 11am when the shop opens. I would say the dessert is ok. The shop is a distance away from the nearest subway.

  • RIKO T

    RIKO T


    It happened to be a restaurant, but it was quite delicious. Everyone ate the parfait even though it was winter. I had pudding and cake, but it was delicious. However, the number of seats is small and it is limited to use only a few groups. It seems that you can't use only drinks. I haven't eaten the parfait, so I gave it a little. If you are feeling well, I definitely want to try the parfait and evaluate it.

  • Springhoney V.

    Springhoney V.


    You need to reservation! If you really wants to go there or if you luckily enough you will get a seat when you arrived. But be careful this shop has 2 locations. They have many rules like you need to order 1 menu for 1 person not included a drink and you have 1 hour to eating and chatting. However they parfait is very big and delicious!

  • Ray C

    Ray C


    We went in and were told to wait outside. In the mean time random people just walked in and were seated immediately. Didnt bother to look at us or give us a reason. Not friendly for foreginers. We navigated to another cafe nearby instead.

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