BVLGARI en Chūō-ku




🕗 horarios

2-7-12 Ginza,Chuo-ku,Tokyo,, 2 Chome-7 Ginza, Chūō-ku, Tōkyō-to 104-0061, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-6362-0111
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6729657, Longitude: 139.7671648

comentarios 5

  • ja

    Nazmi Dehni


    برج Ginza التجاري في طوكيو باليابان .. تصميم Klein Dytham Architecture .. يحتوي المشروع علي 5000 لوح ألومنيوم لإنشاء الواجهة المثقبة .. Ginza Tower in Tokyo, Japan Designed by Klein Dytham Architecture .. The project contains 5000 aluminum panels to create the perforated facade .. 東京の銀座タワー Klein Dytham Architectureによって設計された.. このプロジェクトには、5000本のアルミパネルがあり、穿孔されたファサードを作ります。

  • Noe



    One of our favourite venues for Lunch, dinner or roof top drinks - family, friends or for entertaining. Excellent venue split over 3 floors. 9th floor the formal restaurant : exceptional service, quality and stlye. Fantastic wine selection and especially when taking a course menu. The chef Luca has earned the 1 (or now 2?) Michelin star with his creativity and imagination of the dishes. Pairing beer with a small dish a suprise as blended in with some fantastic and difficult to obtain italian wines in japan (bvlgari are sourcing some items directly from europe). For dinner a perfect spot and can enjoy the bar and roof terrace after. Lunch equally perfect and very good for as a couple or family and location for business 10th floor bar and casual dining. Here you can take a taster of the main restaurants food but with a smaller menu and a more relaxed ambiance. Bar counter and seats. Certain evenings they have live music and which is relaxed lounge/jazz. Can get busy and does have a number of events Roof terrace : for light lunch. Afternoon tea and evenings drinks. Due to location, quality and style it does get booked for private functions (have attended a number over the years) so check before. Highly recommended as an afternoon spot for vino outdoors The building does have parking by prior request but not recommended if driving anything sporty/wide/low One of the best fine dining spots in tokyo

  • Kaysen



    東京自由行 看到了義大利羅馬 寶格麗 BVLGARI 剛好路過留下東京照片💓真的很美喔☺️

  • it

    Francesca Massa


    Sono stata ad un evento. Lo staff di Bulgari è molto professionle ma dall'evento mi aspettavo di più. L'edificio è molto bello e vale la pena vederlo anche dall'esterno.

  • katikatipan




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