Business Hotel Access w Ube

JaponiaBusiness Hotel Access


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-8-4 Uemachi, Ube, Yamaguchi 755-0051, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 836-35-3939
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.9583996, Longitude: 131.2416109

komentarze 5

  • ryotu k

    ryotu k


    The hotel that appears in Eva's last scene! The lady at the reception didn't know about this, so when I showed her the actual video, she laughed and said, "Why is this hotel so special?"😆 Thank you very much for your warm welcome.

  • ts4 kyoko

    ts4 kyoko


    I think this is probably the closest hotel to Ube Shinkawa Station. At night, it looked a little difficult to get into, but it was a normal business hotel. The room is small, but if you're just sleeping at night, it's not a problem, and the bathroom is clean. You can use the large paid parking lot next to it, but it was quite full when I went. This time I ordered Japanese food with breakfast included, and it was delicious, but it didn't quite look like it...(^^;) The people at the hotel were nice, especially the lady at the dining room.

  • 沿ドニエストルモルドバ共和国



    It's nice to be near the station. Is it better if you are a smoker? It was cheap and enough for just sleeping.

  • 朝山美佐恵



    Right in front of the station. Everyone at the front desk was kind. When I told her that I lost my earrings in the guest room, she worked hard to find them. I am sorry. The building is old and doesn't have a large public bath, but if you just want to sleep, it's clean and cheap. For breakfast, you can choose between Japanese or Western food sets, which will definitely fill you up. I still want to use it.

  • Kai En Chua

    Kai En Chua


    Very comfortable. Good service

najbliższy Kwatera

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