ブルボン i Omuta




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒836-0807 Fukuoka, Omuta, Asahimachi, 3-chōme−2−13
kontakter telefon: +81 944-55-2717
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.037164, Longitude: 130.449877

kommentar 5

  • yoy mym

    yoy mym


    Omuta is vibrant and this store retains the flavor of when it was not a shutter shopping street.

  • Junko Yamada (Murata)

    Junko Yamada (Murata)


    It was a very quaint coffee shop. When I asked the owner of the store, he said that the store has been around for about 40 years. "It's old, isn't it?" I was humbly asked, but no, not at all! I couldn't help but ask him to continue in the same atmosphere. The Neapolitan I received was also very delicious. I will go again!

  • ゴールドワイン



    The sunset is beautiful, and there are plenty of souvenirs. Relax with takoyaki and beer 🍺🥤🧁 The sea through the window 🌊 It's nice to see,

  • 水瀬ヒロ



    It's been a few years since I came here, but it was still delicious! My wife and I came to the store and this time we ordered a special lunch 💡 The main dish of sautéed pork was also crispy, and I was very satisfied with the careful work on the sauce and garnishes. The drink is sweet and has a somewhat nostalgic taste (lol) The customer service from the lady was also very pleasant~(* ˊωˋ ∗)

  • mama mimi

    mama mimi


    The wet towel smelled amazing ♡ The rice was delicious and the coffee was delicious too! ! It was easy for even one person to come in and relax.

nærmeste Cafe

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