British Pub 2ND HALF en 新宿区

JapónBritish Pub 2ND HALF


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Japan, 〒169-0075 東京都新宿区 高田馬場3-2-13 ドムス・サニ・ヤナガワ3F
contactos teléfono: +81 50-5784-4423
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Latitude: 35.7143878, Longitude: 139.7032679

comentarios 5




    Small football pub. Cozy and casual atmosphere. Serve drink and food ( burger etc). Located in crowded street with many restaurants around. Average price.Not so easy to find. Suitable for 10~20 person party.

  • Trevor Lemmons

    Trevor Lemmons


    Awesome place, excellent bonafee pie. The owner used to be a head chef in England and is an excellent bar tender.

  • en

    Ken Wakabayashi


    Had a great time. I went alone to watch a Football match and was greeted by the owner (a massive United supporter). This is definitely a place to watch all your football games as well as a great local spot to come in for a drink. Would come back!

  • en

    Louise Zhou


    A lovely pub hidden behind the streets of Takadanobaba. Beautiful decor, warm ambience, and very friendly owner. Yoshiki is absolutely great to chat to, the guy spent 26 years in England! Nice beer, fish & chips was delicious and very filling, for a good price. My boyfriend thoroughly enjoyed the snooker and there is a pool table for people who're interested. Generally an amazing place just to chill, recommended for sports fans, uni lads, couples and....well, everyone.

  • Johnson Hoang

    Johnson Hoang


    Had an awesome time coming here during my trip in Tokyo. Good food, great atmosphere, fun live events, friendly staff and cheap pool! The placec is a bit hard to find as it is located in the 3rd floor of a small building but the place is quite spacious and cozy. Had a lot of fun playing pool and the food there was great and are the owner's own recipes. I had the croquettes, sausages and roast beef which were delicious. Also they have a huge selection of drinks and beer including Guinness. The place is primarily a British pub focused towards the soccer community but I came at a time where they had an open mic night and was lucky enough to hear many great musicians sing and play! The owner also speaks English as well as Japanese so it was very nice to be able to talk to someone in English especially when I didn't know any Japanese.

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