Brasserie Viron Marunouchi en Chiyoda City

JapónBrasserie Viron Marunouchi



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Japan, 〒100-0005 Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Marunouchi, 2-chōme−7−3, TOKIA, 1F 東京ビル
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5220-7289
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6786617, Longitude: 139.7651715

comentarios 5

  • Mira M

    Mira M


    The service is exceptional. Very kind and attentive! The Baba au Rum was absolutely delicious and bigger than what I expected. Prices are reasonable for the quality and service you receive. I will be back!

  • Ivy Wu

    Ivy Wu


    I went to buy sandwich over lunch time. There’s a queue outside lining up for dine-in lunch but if you just want to get bakery or sandwich, walk straight in. This is a cash only place and no electronic payment nor card. It’s been a few months since my last visit and tbh the price increase caught me by surprise. My favourite chicken sandwich costed just under JPY1k before and it’s now JPY1.2k plus tax - a shocking increase of about 30%! Have to admit their bakery is brilliant but you may not want to pay JPY1.3k for a takeout sandwich everyday.

  • aki yeh

    aki yeh


    Too many people so need to wait for a long time. Maybe shop some breads to go will be a better idea, the food in the restaurant was just fine not as we expect that good but still can try their food when you have free time .

  • Iris C

    Iris C


    We waited for 1 hour to be seated on a weekday afternoon. Not quite sure what the hype is about. Service is probably the worst we’ve had in Japan so far. One of the waiters gave us the look when we were taking our time to order. Very limited options for vegetarians, and a minimum order of two appetizers is required if you’re a vegetarian. So we had to get an extra baguette for the table which we weren’t able to finish. For the dessert we got a Mont Blanc and a strawberry dessert. Find them mediocre and overpriced.

  • Akiko Hosokawa

    Akiko Hosokawa


    I came here for a friend’s birthday dinner. I reserved dinner for us and I asked if they could make desert for her but it was on that day so I couldn’t. Food was really good. They gave us explanations of menu, like where it came from and good with wine etc... when we ordered deserts (mine was parfait and hers was gâteau chocolat ), who expected?? They brought her decorated cake for her birthday!!! We’re surprised and she looked happy. The service was great, I would love to come here again!! Next time I’ll come here with my mom :)

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