BOOK LAB TOKYO - 書店とコーヒースタンド 渋谷店 i Shibuya-ku

JapanBOOK LAB TOKYO - 書店とコーヒースタンド 渋谷店



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Japan, 〒150-0043 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, Dōgenzaka, 2 Chome−10−7 新大宗ビル1号館 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 50-3551-0625
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.658276, Longitude: 139.697063

kommentar 5

  • Natalia Nazarova

    Natalia Nazarova


    Great place to get away from the bustling Shibuya for a moment and an enjoy a coffee with speedy WiFi.

  • morio crypto

    morio crypto


    A spacious cafe with lots of books. You can have a cup of coffee/tea at a reasonable price, and enjoy reading books around as much as you want. There are stable Wi-Fi and power supply at most of seats, therefore it’s suitable for nomad workers as well. They have not only normal tables but also higher ones, which can use as standing desks. Being a bit distant from Shibuya station, it’s not crowded even in the weekends. Accept credit card payment.

  • en

    Robert Vincent


    Nice book store. Not many English books. Lots of magazines.

  • Ross Purdie

    Ross Purdie


    It's a great book store cafe featuring books on coding, business formation and architecture. Spacious and comfortable serving delicious coffee and craft beer. A good place to chill after shopping in Shibuya. Moreover the lighting is perfect for reading.

  • Emily Franklin

    Emily Franklin


    Pricy small drinks but you can read the serials (magazines, etc. in Japanese) for no additional cost. It's a book store, but also a great place to sit down for a while; there was a chatty quiet group on the couch when I was there. Overall was a quiet atmosphere.

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