Blue Seal Kokusai Street i Naha

JapanBlue Seal Kokusai Street



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1-chōme-2-32 Makishi, Naha, Okinawa 900-0013, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 98-867-1450
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2154368, Longitude: 127.6850578

kommentar 5

  • Kelly



    Very busy ice cream shop on Kokusaidori! Has the American style decor and all your favourite flavours. Pictured is a junior double scoop of Okinawan salt cookie and blue wave in a cup & double regular scoop of ube and beni-imo

  • 周瑞陽



    regular double 640 yen: could choose two flavors. - okinawa blue waves: lemon soda ice cream with some dried pineapple. tastes just like okinawa. could actually beat the heat wave when summer in okinawa. - okinawa salt cookies: taste like salty milk with some biscuit crisps. a little bit too heavy for me salty milk sundae 380 yen: the sea salt added in the milk sundae enhanced the milky taste well. was also the authentic flavor of blue seal in the very beginning.

  • starlightmei



    Great ice cream. However, I wish they had given us slightly bigger scoops. I felt like the portions were too small for the price. Although, this is the cheapest Blue Seal location. 600 yen for a double scoop. We also had to ask for plastic spoons since they didn’t give us any. We went in the evening and it was run by a few old men. I also wish the tables were cleaner.

  • Ben Lau

    Ben Lau


    Great spot for ice cream after dinner, as this outlet closes at 11pm. Standard flavours throughout the different outlets but there are more than 10 flavours to choose from. Definitely go for the top 5 flavours as they are truly Okinawan tastes.

  • TaiwanWalker



    Whenever I travel to Okinawa, I would have blue seal ice cream everyday, beni-imo (purple sweet potato) and Ube (purple yam) are my favorite, brown sugar is nice too, they represent the unique flavors of Okinawa. There’re ice cream cups in restaurants outside or even outside okinawa, but I just like to eat inside blue seal shops, not about the taste but the atmosphere.

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