ビストロ&カフェ 暖邸(ダンディー) in Mashiko

Japanビストロ&カフェ 暖邸(ダンディー)



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393 Kamiōba, Mashiko, Haga District, Tochigi 321-4212, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 285-70-6124
webseite: fyfd2.crayonsite.info
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.4616406, Longitude: 140.1271478

kommentare 5

  • 日本侍



    A stylish cafe restaurant. Terrace seats are also available for people with dogs. The food was also delicious.

  • Tokuroh Bandoh

    Tokuroh Bandoh


    The store is located beyond the mountain pass in Mashiko Town. An elegant lunch in a scenic location, highly recommended.

  • qsa



    I went with my dog. The restaurant was completely separated from the general public from the entrance, and the rooms were private, so we were able to enjoy our meals in peace. Since we were the only private room for two pairs, she kindly asked us if we could let them off the leash. The food was delicious and I thought I had found a good restaurant.

  • Yukie Shinohara (うさこ)

    Yukie Shinohara (うさこ)


    The building was cute and there was also a dog run. I changed into slippers at the entrance and entered the store. Seats are clearly separated for people with dogs and those without. There are few seats for people with dogs, so it's best to make a reservation. I came with my daughter, and there are seats that are half underground and half upstairs, so we sat in the half upstairs seat. Enjoy lunch with a warm interior and relaxing seats! I had sautéed pork and my daughter had roast chicken. Appetizer: 3 types of rice or bread. The bread is handmade by the owner, so even though I'm a rice fan, I ordered bread today. This is a set menu that also includes a dessert platter. All dishes are handmade. I was surprised at how delicious the vegetables that came with the main menu were. Of course everything was delicious! My daughter's roast chicken had lots of green onions, a squeeze of thickly cut lemon, and the meat was juicy and delicious. Apparently he was working alone that day, so it took a while, but the atmosphere of the shop is so nice that it didn't matter. The owner has a nice personality and I hear that he is a licensed nutritionist, so I feel safe eating there! I want to come again.

  • Christina Oshima

    Christina Oshima


    Very comfortable cafe and great food! You can bring your pets too. Would like to visit once again

nächste Cafe

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