Bistro Fukumimi i 中央区

JapanBistro Fukumimi



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Japan, 〒104-0061 東京都中央区Ginza, 5 Chome−10, 銀座5丁目10-9 銀座YKビルB1F
kontakter telefon: +81 50-5269-4930
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.669636, Longitude: 139.765203

kommentar 5

  • Yonatan Amit

    Yonatan Amit


    Amazing place withe exalent service and delicuse food.

  • en

    Chris Wilk


    Great atmosphere and yakitori! Lots of locals drinking at this izakaya after work. Delicious food. Highly recommended. Try the chicken skewer with shiso leaf!

  • en

    Patrícia de Carvalho Ferreira


    Our first night in Tokyo, an immense jet lag. Thought about going in for just a couple of drinks, waste some time - ended up trying all different sorts of yakitori (do make some space for typical ones!), drinking plum wine and some really tasty beer mixes, and being interviewed about it for Japanese TV. The quality of the food is amazing (don't get fooled by the narro, downwards entrance and the ordinary looks) and prices are reazonable. Staff is friendly and helpfull and the place seems to be pretty packed. We definitely recommend!

  • H.Y. Chiu

    H.Y. Chiu


    Love this small but vibrant place! Food is absolutely yum with wide selection and reasonable price as well The location is also convenient, right in the heart of Ginza Reason for not giving 5 stars is no non-smoking area available here

  • Zena Shum

    Zena Shum


    Good place for chats and hang out after work. Quick service and friendly staff. One suggestion is to ask what they serve you.... As you may lose track of your orders...

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