Birupaku w Shizuoka



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🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒420-0852 Shizuoka, Aoi Ward, Kōyamachi, 1−5 協友ビル 地下1階
kontakt telefon: +81 54-292-6800
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.9736693, Longitude: 138.385133

komentarze 5

  • z yu

    z yu


    I stayed in a room called Speranza 501! The room was very clean as it was a new room that just opened last month. Although the reception desk and your room are far apart, you will receive a free ticket for a parking lot near your room, and the staff will come to your room to check you in. There was a projector & fire stick TV in the room, so I was able to watch movies on the big screen at night 😳 There are no rooms next to each other, so we were able to enjoy our time without any worries. The bath and sink are very spacious, making it a luxurious room for two people! It seems that pets are also allowed to stay with us, so next time I would like to bring my pet with me.

  • アズキ



    A very fresh stay experience! ! It was the first time I learned about the concept of decentralized hotels. I heard from the front desk that the rooms here are located in different buildings near the station business district. We booked room 401 in Cosmos, which is closer to Shizuoka Station. Japanese hotels generally have the impression that the room area is small. Sometimes business travelers can’t fully open their suitcases, but that’s not the case here! ! The room is 90 square meters, and can accommodate up to 6 people. There are two bathrooms and toilets, which is very convenient for traveling with a family. There is no ordinary TV in the room, there is a projector where you can watch Netflix for free! It is very close to the station shopping mall and there are many places to eat nearby. I asked the front desk what Shizuoka specialties were recommended, and they recommended Shizuoka’s special oden and a shop selling wasabi ice cream near the hotel. When I checked in, I got free drink coupons and bathing coupons for Yongzong Hot Spring, which is a little far away from the hotel. I didn't make arrangements for this trip. I hope I can come to Shizuoka to experience it next time! ! I want to try other rooms next time w

  • Mom



    It seems to be hit or miss depending on the room. The pet-friendly rooms are lacking in interior design considering the price. However, I am grateful that pets are allowed. But I was impressed by the spaciousness, which is not found in business hotels! Thank you for your prompt response to the equipment issue. The location is very convenient as it is near the station. I felt a little uncomfortable late at night, probably because there was a bar nearby. . However, I enjoyed the concept of staying in a renovated building. Next time I would like to stay in a stylish room such as Seed House.

  • Nanda Sena

    Nanda Sena


    We made a very good and luxurious experience staying at Birupaku-Shizuoka.We stayed at Cosmos 401 and it is near to Shizuoka station and reception too.We liked the decentralized concept of this hotel.All of the staff were really kind and helpful.Rooms are really wide,beautiful and clean. There are so many restaurants around the hotel.They gave us free drink service tickets to use at Blue books cafe as well. This is the best place if you are going to visit Shizuoka city.Highly recommend.

  • M Cheng

    M Cheng


    This must be one of the best hotels I experienced in Japan. Theoretically this is a sort of boutique hotel and provide a luxurious feeling of staying and the creation interior decoration is remarkable. The service of staff and standard of cleanliness is also great.

najbliższy Kwatera

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