ビーンズ倶楽部 内野店 w Niigata

Japoniaビーンズ倶楽部 内野店



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1045 Uchinomachi, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-2112, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 25-261-3035
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.8567477, Longitude: 138.9378559

komentarze 5

  • イルカイ



    It's a cute shop where you can enjoy delicious coffee with a nice smell. I think I will continue to go here often to eat delicious cheesecake. Cheesecake set 720 yen. The price seems to be 40 yen higher than the Google Maps menu. If you don't want to go without knowing the price, it's good to be careful, but I don't think it's a big deal. When I had questions, the store staff were kind and explained what they were selling. The cute interior that gives you the feel of someone's home, combined with the kindness of the staff, creates a cafe that you always want to go to.

  • 吉田真也



    This is a shop that sells coffee beans and other items, and you can also drink coffee. By chance, the coffee grinder was out of order that day, so only iced coffee was available. There are only a few seats, two two-seater seats and one four-seater seat, but perhaps because it was a time when there were few customers, it was reserved. There's only one parking lot (?), and it's right in front of the station, so it's a store for customers who walk.

  • 甲斐葵



    Google Maps 🤷 5 months ago Viewed 16,800 times 🤷 Inside the building at the intersection along the main road 🙉 Uchino Yotsukaku bus stop The store is now open specializing in roasted beans! It's an American, easy-to-drink blend.The cake set gives you a quiet atmosphere, Showa era feel, and the sound of the radio, which gives you a feeling of the infield. Sunday after hours 10:00 to 17:00 Guide

  • にょも美



    When you buy beans, they roast and grind them on the spot. There are so many types of beans that I would love to visit and find the beans I like! The owner was also a nice person. They gave me a bean menu paper, so I was happy to know the types and characteristics. It takes 15 to 20 minutes to roast, so next time I'll order by phone. During roasting, the smell fills the store. Quite a strong smell. By the time I left, I was smelling like coffee. lol

  • もんと



    Blended coffee is 380 yen. If you order beans, they will give you a free cup of blended coffee. I went there with a friend for a break and got free blended coffee for two people. There are also 2-3 types of iced coffee and cake sets. A cake set costs about 700 yen. Add some extra for iced coffee with +. Business hours open at 10:00 and close at 17:00 from December to March and 18:00 from April to November. There is only one parking lot in the back. It's run by a single woman, so if you want to order beans, please call before you go. Smoking is allowed. Although it is not always the case, local vegetables are sold here.

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