BiBi Inuneko Clinic in Sendai

JapanBiBi Inuneko Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-8-37 Ōnoda, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0014, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 22-778-2608
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.2126004, Longitude: 140.8777616

kommentare 5

  • まきさく



    They will examine you kindly and carefully. We received advice that could reduce the burden not only on the cat but also on the owner. I get the impression that most of the nurses are kind and pleasant. Thank you for your continued treatment.

  • 鈴木代昭



    maltipoo boy I went to see a doctor because I was constantly licking my feet. A bacterial test was done right away and there was no infection, so he prescribed me some ointment. They gave me a medicine that was safe to lick after applying. My child also receives vaccines and rabies injections at this hospital. He is a teacher you can trust.

  • いい



    心音も検温もしないし まず先生と目が合わない。 かかりつけ医が休みで来院したが 薬の量も体重に対して明らかに多すぎる。 受付の人も話通じないのと態度が悪い。

  • M M

    M M


    The doctor kindly listened to my symptoms as I became unwell. Thanks to the immediate tests, intravenous drip, and medication, she is doing well! Our family is truly filled with gratitude!

  • Hiromi



    My cat was not feeling well so I took him in. Even though I was seen at another hospital, my condition did not improve, and my condition improved the next day at this hospital. The doctor listened to me very well, did various tests, gave me injections, and gave me an intravenous drip, but I think I'll take him as a regular doctor since it's cheap.

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