Best Western Plus Nagoya Sakae i Nagoya

JapanBest Western Plus Nagoya Sakae


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Japan, 〒460-0008 Aichi, Nagoya, Naka Ward, Sakae, 4-chōme−6−1 ベストウェスタンホテル名古屋
kontakter telefon: +81 52-228-1711
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.169057, Longitude: 136.913125

kommentar 5

  • Ethan Wang

    Ethan Wang


    Our hotel room was recently renovated. Very nice and in the downtown area

  • DebbZie Leksono

    DebbZie Leksono


    Great hospitality! I sent out my suitcases from Tokyo to Best Western Hotel Nagoya and they keep it in my room even when I haven't arrived. Nice neighborhood with some eateries and convenient stores around the hotel. I'd definitely stay here again

  • Yin Sing Ng

    Yin Sing Ng


    The staff are very nice. Though their English proficiency was somewhat mediocre. However, they try their best to help, they smile and say thank you. The rooms are very nice, and have a wardrobe, a weight scale. The bathroom was very nice and has a bathtub. A great hotel and not that expensive.

  • Ivan (KipariS)

    Ivan (KipariS)


    Great location. Good rooms. Very tasty breakfast. Starbacks on first flour. But I find hair couple times in my room. And sometimes front desk shift don’t know English. One more good news - when it’s low load, that can make a free room upgrade 😉

  • Jeff Peterson

    Jeff Peterson


    Great affordable hotel in a great area! The place is very close to great shopping and food in Nagoya and the hotel isn't bad either. You certainly get what you pay for so don't expect a bunch of amenities, but despite the fact that no non-smoking rooms were available, the smoking room was quite clean and with little lingering smell. Accommodations were clean and about standard size for a Japanese hotel room (slightly smaller than the US I'd say). Don't be fooled by the name, this is a Best Western franchise.

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