Bessho Dental Clinic w Tadaoka

JaponiaBessho Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒595-0805 Osaka, Semboku District, Tadaoka, Tadaokahigashi, 1-chōme−14−12 カツモトビル2F
kontakt telefon: +81 725-22-2685
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 34.487862, Longitude: 135.397663

komentarze 5

  • 無名



    I was really scared of dentists, so I found this clinic after doing a lot of research online. I went to Komiyama Dental Office a long time ago before it changed to Komiyama Dental Office, and the female doctor was in charge of it, and when my wisdom teeth were removed, I didn't have any pain at all, and the prognosis was excellent, with no need for painkillers. I haven't been able to attend for a while due to my health and family circumstances, and when I called again recently to make a reservation, I was surprised to find that the name had changed. I changed my name once when I used to go there, so I guess it's okay. When I went there with a casual mindset, everything about the doctor and hygienist had changed. Treatment has also changed. Like bad. The atmosphere was like that of a certain dentist who prioritized quantity over quality...First of all, anesthesia usually hurts. Are you bad at it? That's what I thought. And even under anesthesia, it hurts. Also, even though I know it will be quite painful, the treatment is done without anesthesia, and the molding tool cuts the corners of my mouth, causing a painful stomatitis-like problem. Even if you are wearing makeup, the dental assistant will thoroughly wipe around your mouth. Place the anesthetic in a place that is not intended for treatment by mistake. To top it all off, my gums in the area where I was anesthetized still hurt even after 4 days. I'll never go there again.

  • ともひこ川崎



    Even though I hated going to the dentist, I have been going to the dentist for two years now. I'm 42 years old now, and I no longer have to worry about my teeth or going to the dentist. Now that all the treatments have been completed, I am able to think positively about my regular 3-month check-up. This clinic is definitely recommended for people who are afraid or don't like the dentist. It will change the way you think about dentists.

  • yuna ssym

    yuna ssym


    All of our dental hygienists are polite and kind. I've been coming here for several years now because I can feel free to ask questions about things I don't understand, and they tell me what to do.

  • ドライブアカウント



    The other day, I had a dental implant treated, and it turned out beautifully and I thought it was very good. Even if I didn't have a replacement tooth, I was able to attach a temporary tooth and keep my appearance intact. There is a parking lot, it is close to the station, and although there is a distance limit, I can also travel to receive treatment, so I would like to continue coming here for a long time. I thought the hospital was very comfortable and didn't have the typical smell of a dentist.

  • 鳥好き



    Things were better when I was at Hashimoto Dental. The number of dental clinics that offer laughing gas and other painless treatments has increased. As others have written, they certainly adjust to the patient's pace, and the doctors and hygienists are kind. That's the benefit here.

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