ベローズフィールドビーチ i Asahikawa




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Japan, 〒070-0823 Hokkaido, Asahikawa, Midorimachi, 12-chōme−2559−12 ABCヴィレッジ 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 166-73-7525
internet side: bellousfieldbeach.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.7841414, Longitude: 142.3396708

kommentar 5

  • Cindy Eow

    Cindy Eow


    Highly recommend! Delicious burgers, especially the blue cheese one. Our kids also loved the burgers and the kids meals. The 2 people serving that day were so attentive and we had great service. Definitely head there if you want a good burger. One of the best we’ve had in Hokkaido.

  • Randy Ngatimin

    Randy Ngatimin


    Bellous burger with double patty is just right. Bun is soft and pillowy, patty is nice and juicy. Delicious!




    Fantastic place, team is lovely, cool Hawaiian vibe, and probably the best burger I ever tried in Japan so far!

  • Gee-Kin Lam

    Gee-Kin Lam


    First visit , impression the view ( couch ) is relaxing. The tables are all well placed and spacious. Looking at the menu all sorts of various burgers ( beef , pork , fish and even lamb !!) in all different ways . I ordered the special smash burger triple style and my wife had the lambs burger. Next to the super friendly staff the burgers were delicious and tasty. I am sure there are other burger restaurants around in Asahikawa. But this one surely had all great spot , great seats and delicious food. All in all worth the visit .👍

  • Jin K

    Jin K


    It’s definitely on the more higher end side as far as burgers go, that’s for sure. Thick patties and crispy/juicy onion rings are sure to satisfy that demon craving. However, while the burger tasted good and their garlic butter shrimp rice plate was okay, I’m not so sure that it was worth the premium. I don’t regret eating their food because it was enjoyable by all means, but I don’t know if they have high re-visit value.

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