本多こども歯科 w Yaizu




🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-1-1 Daieichō, Yaizu, Shizuoka 425-0081, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-626-2323
strona internetowej: www.honda-pdc.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.872862, Longitude: 138.3132895

komentarze 5

  • こたきぬ



    This was my 3 year old daughter's first visit. The inside of the hospital is also nice and clean. My child was a little nervous going to the dentist for the first time, but thanks to the kind treatment of the director and dental hygienist, he was able to complete the visit without crying. Even though I was a small child, he explained things to me step by step, saying, ``We're going to do this now.'' He showed me the tools and let me touch them, and I felt that he was trying to make sure my child didn't feel scared. Ta. I think this is an excellent response. They carefully explained the condition of my child's teeth, praised the parents for their hard work, and I felt that their advice was easy to understand and appropriate. This is a dentist I would like to continue going to in the future.

  • Mixed vegetable

    Mixed vegetable


    Dentists who use black ones to stop progression these days If a child gets violent, wrap him/herself in a bath towel and no matter how much he/she cries, the parents will be made to wait in the waiting room. The child gradually becomes tired of crying and his voice becomes hoarse. There is no coordination between the teacher and the receptionist. The teacher asked me to make a reservation at the reception when I got home on the day I specified, and when I said I would like to make a reservation on that day, I was told that the place was booked that day. I think it's terrible anyway Just my personal opinion

  • Yosuke arzt

    Yosuke arzt


    The director's personality is very nice. He took his time to explain the treatment and was very thorough. I feel safe sending my child to school as well. Children look forward to the day they go to the dentist. The hospital is very clean and I, as a parent, would like to receive treatment here.

  • D Bara

    D Bara


    Thanks to you, I didn't have any cavities that required treatment until I was 10 years old. My second son looks forward to it every time. Fluoride is bitter and seems to be disliked. I wish teachers could be kinder like this when interacting with children.

  • sa



    I have been taking care of my children since their teeth first appeared. All the children look forward to going because they always get rewards (stickers and small items). The doctor gives clear advice and praises both parents and children during the examination, which helps maintain motivation for daily care. The dental hygienist also speaks kindly to children. At first glance, the receptionist speaks in a cold manner, but I have come to the conclusion over the years that there is no hostility or malice, just a monotonous way of speaking. They don't hesitate to change reservations and think about it together with me. it's recommended.

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