Belc in Sano




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387 Tanumachō, Sano, Tochigi 327-0317, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 283-61-1500
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.3667381, Longitude: 139.5737213

kommentare 5

  • Gon Kane

    Gon Kane


    The only large supermarket in Tanuma. There used to be a bowling alley here, but it went out of business a long time ago and is now a supermarket popular with Tanuma residents. They provide plastic bags for free, which is rare in this day and age. However, there is a garbage station where you can throw away recyclables, and many people from the neighborhood come to throw away their recyclables. An ally of the Tanuma townspeople!

  • 名古屋のなごやん



    I went there for the first time in a while, but it was still the same. I wonder what it is... Is it because the population level is low? There are too many old people who can't even park properly in the parking lot. It's Tuesday and Wednesday is the special sale day, but I wonder why they don't have all the fried food even though they know there will be a lot of customers. Don't you have the ability to learn? Or is that the management policy? If fried food is cheap and you know it will sell out, just have it on standby so you can get it out in advance. It doesn't seem like there's a huge rush of customers... There are also some store staff who have bad attitudes. I don't dare to mention his name though. I was interviewed by the president of Belk, and I thought it was great that they had a policy of eliminating paid bags, but the bad attitude of some of the staff was enough to cause the store to get bad reviews, and even the entire store to get bad reviews. It may happen. I think it's great that some stores have chairs for the cashiers so they can work while sitting, but when I went there this time, I was wondering if it was a man. There was a cashier staff member who had blonde hair, but I don't understand why they would hire someone who doesn't look well-groomed like that. I can understand that it's fashionable or whatever due to the flow of the times, but I don't think blonde hair is possible. Maybe he even has a tattoo. Does Belk employ such people? That's it. This is not "discrimination" but "distinction." It's common sense as a member of society, and it's a customer service job where you deal with customers. Besides, the cashier is the face of the store, right? The quality is different from the staff. You should think about it a little more.

  • Y T

    Y T


    Belk's fish is delicious. It's not a particularly large store, but the selection is not bad. We also collect used cardboard bottles and cardboard, so I think it's an overall convenient store.

  • ソルサボカディージョ



    Belk is highly rated as being better than a convenience store than a cafeteria. 398 excluding tax - I'm pretty motivated by bento There's a place to grab a bite to eat in front of the cash register, free tea, and no other supermarket offers such good treatment. The 79 yen cola in front of the register is also cheap. The restroom is on the right side in front of the bakery. The only downside is that the parking lot is too crowded.

  • Zohra fatema tuz

    Zohra fatema tuz


    My favorite supermarket

nächste Lebensmittelgeschäft oder Supermarkt

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