焙煎工房 こやま i Kochi

Japan焙煎工房 こやま



🕗 åbningstider

Otsu-3026-1 Kera, Kochi, 781-5106, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 88-860-7117
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.5587702, Longitude: 133.5999722

kommentar 5

  • y o

    y o


    You can drink higher quality coffee than the coffee shops in Tokyo. There are many specialty and rare beans, and you can't go wrong with the roasting done by a master who trained in Brazil. Once you drink Koyama-san's richly flavored coffee, you will no longer be able to drink strong coffee from a stylishly decorated cafe in the city center. Freble-chan is also cute.

  • 吉川みち



    The beans I bought for the first time were covered in oil and looked like ``edible chili oil,'' so I was a little disappointed, but I bought the beans recommended by the host...a regular customer says that this is how the coffee is roasted. It seems that many people come to the store looking for this, so I guess I just don't fit the type. The taste was also good...personally, I didn't like it. Side note: My coffee grinder was acting weird for a while because it had a lot of oil (lol) The signboard dog, the French bulldog, is cute.

  • 楓


    After encountering this coffee, I learned about the deliciousness of coffee. The gentle and deep coffee brewed by the master is truly exquisite. The signboard dogs, French bulls, are also very cute.

  • sensuidiver



    Even the coffee didn't suit me. The master was always chatting with the regulars and I couldn't calm down. Afterwards, a cute dog warmly welcomed us.

  • 339mon (339mon)

    339mon (339mon)


    Coffee is really delicious. I think the owner is a coffee professional. Sometimes it's full and you can't get in, but it's worth persevering. The dog is also super cute.

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