Beer-ma Bar w Adachi-ku

JaponiaBeer-ma Bar



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2 Chome-2-62 Senju, 足立区 Adachi-ku, Tōkyō-to 120-0034, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3882-2508
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.7491084, Longitude: 139.8040956

komentarze 5

  • John



    Best place to get bottles of craft beer in Tokyo. They have beer from everywhere — US, Japan, Europe, Canada, and more — and in many different styles. There is also a bar where you can get beer on tap or pop open a bottle (for a small corkage fee). Awesome place.

  • John McCracken

    John McCracken


    Probably the best place in Northern Tokyo to get a good selection of domestic and imported craft beers from around the world. They're selection of Japanese craft beers is amazing

  • Michael Seann

    Michael Seann


    “400mL” glasses are actually only 355mL. Grab any 12oz can or 355mL bottle and it will fill their “400mL” glass. I’m not sure if they are intentionally ripping off their customers, but they should change their menu sheet to show that a regular size glass is only 355mL. With the exception of them lying to customers about the amount of beer, Beer Ma has the best bottle selection in Tokyo. Not the best prices on the bottles, they can be found cheaper, but it’s the best all in one selection.

  • en

    sj G


    Standing bar with good selection of craft beers. They have a shop in the back and as every craft beer bar in Tokyo the price is quite expensieve

  • en

    John Holbert


    Not quite holy land or hell for beer lovers, but something in purgatory. Amazing selection of local and import brews as well as constantly changing and interesting tap selection. Nice little area to stand and drink at once you order. Only Japanese spoken but lots of foreign customers come by. BUT if youre not in the Ueno area or staying in a hotel nearby, it's not at the most accessible station. The biggest flaw is there's a sneaky and downright mean glass charge. Pay 700 yen for a beer AND then pay a 200 yen glass charge EVERY time you order. You get no money back when you return it and you cannot reuse a glass. If you take a bottle to go though, you can escape the charge. Would only recommend for drinking whats on tap or beers to go.

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