Beato en Toyama




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3-chōme-1-4 Nezukamachi, Toyama, 939-8204, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 76-482-5523
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.6740187, Longitude: 137.2084216

comentarios 5

  • gift from the Sea

    gift from the Sea


    Quiche is delicious Plate, the price seems a little high considering the contents. Includes drink and half dessert ¥2,200.-(tax in) Photographing the menu is prohibited

  • ほさと



    I chose the quiche from the lunch set. I was surprised at how big the quiche was. The deli dishes were colorful and had lots of vegetables, and the bread (focaccia?) was warm and fluffy. It was a bit of a luxurious lunch, costing over 2,000 yen including soup, (mini) dessert, and drink, but I thought it would be nice for mothers with small children as it had a stylish little side dish.

  • hiroshi ogawa

    hiroshi ogawa


    Is it around Nezuka-cho, Toyama City? This cafe is located in an unusual building around Yellow Hat and past the 7-Eleven. This time I used it for lunch. A whimsical curry plate costs about 1,800 yen. It's a little pricey, but the atmosphere is good, so I think it's okay. Thank you for the meal!

  • tatsuya i

    tatsuya i


    I stopped by for lunch. It looks like a shop where you can eat raclette cheese. There seems to be a performance in the evening. For lunch, you can add raclette toppings for an additional 200 yen on all menus. When I asked for a recommendation, it looked like a toasted beef bowl, so I ordered it with green onion salt. It was made with luxurious Himi beef and was very delicious. A guitar was displayed in the store, but it is unclear if it has anything to do with the BGM. It was a feast.

  • 千葉セリ



    Went there for lunch. It was after 1:00 PM on a weekday, but there were no other customers, perhaps because they were in a self-restraint mood, so the restaurant was reserved. Even in such a situation, I was happy that there was a raclette cheese menu. I received the roast beef bowl with raclette cheese and curry set. Both come with a salad, dessert, and drink. The only negative point was that the timing of the drinks and desserts was a bit odd.

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