Bar Atrium Ginza (バー アトリウム ギンザ) en Chūō-ku

JapónBar Atrium Ginza (バー アトリウム ギンザ)



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Japan, 〒104-0061 Tōkyō-to, Chūō-ku, Ginza, 3 Chome−4, 中央区銀座3丁目4−4 大倉ビル別館
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3564-2888
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6731551, Longitude: 139.7660055

comentarios 5

  • en

    Grace Tyminski


    Visited this cocktail bar - April 2018. The bartender was a lovely Japanese lady who made us some strong, but delicious cocktails. She was so friendly and spoke good English. Most menus are in Japanese but it’s totally manageable. The bar is a little tricky to find as it’s located on the first floor but well worth making the effort to find. They have extensive Japanese whiskeys - the vibe is very cosy & intimate. Can’t recommend the bartender and Bar enough, just be aware that the Ginza area have cover charges on most bars. Despite this, we had a great time & the bartender was just lovely!!

  • Chloé Gp

    Chloé Gp


    Super cozy bar in Ginza. The waitress knows so much about Japanese whisky, is super friendly and speaks very good English. The margaritas were delicious too. The only "annoying" thing is that it is a smoking bar...




    Very nice mini local whisky bar

  • Dave Phillips

    Dave Phillips


    Superb whisky selection, including a number of hard to find Ichiro's Malt - one of which wss the single greatest whisky I've ever tasted - poured by a very kind and friendly female bartender. Also had an excellent Old-Fashioned. Quiet at the time we visited (around 20:00 on a Thursday evening), but definitely seems like a place to linger.

  • Steve Cahall

    Steve Cahall


    GREAT whiskey selection, friendly staff and smart decor. Try the selection of Ichiros!

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