Bank of Fukuoka Head Office in Fukuoka

JapanBank of Fukuoka Head Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-13-1 Tenjin, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, 810-0001, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 92-723-2131
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.5916311, Longitude: 130.3978298

kommentare 5

  • Simon M

    Simon M


    Was denied banking services for arbitrary reasons. Recommend SMBC or Shinsei for a more professional experience.

  • ブッパ王



    I have been using online banking at this bank for about 10 years. Cash cards often become unusable due to magnetic defects. I was saved because I was able to change it to one with IC for free. This time, I was dealt with by a bank employee named Mr. Hanada, and from the advance reservation stage, he told me, ``If you come to Hanada on floor ○, I will be ready to respond immediately.'' When I went there, there was absolutely no waiting time and the process was quick. In addition to my reservation, I also asked about the system for making withdrawals for free at convenience store ATMs and other procedures, and they kindly guided me through all the procedures. Also, they kindly told me about the parking lot, which was very helpful! After that, I looked at Google and found only bad reviews, so this time I was lucky to find someone good.

  • マチコ



    I worked in the sales department and call center at the main store. Many of the Fukubank employees are overbearing and don't even greet temporary workers. When I greeted them, some people didn't just ignore me, they even glared at me. There was also a time when someone suddenly yelled at me, saying, ``You're the worst!'' In addition, there is a call center for Juhachi Shinwa Bank in the same building, but perhaps the temporary employees there have a low sense of civility, as they often argue with their superiors, chew gum, and chat loudly during work hours. Ta. When I warned him, ``That's insane,'' he said something like a threat, ``I'll never give you something for free. Remember that.'' This is my first time working at a company like this. I thought it was a terrible company.

  • T A

    T A


    The building itself is very spacious, well-maintained, and beautiful. However, the elderly woman at the counter was extremely intimidating, unfriendly, and at the lowest level. Employee training is probably at the lowest level even among local banks.

  • kenji g

    kenji g


    Designed by the late Kisho Kurokawa. The city's plazas and common spaces are incorporated into the architecture to create a large-scale building. A lot of similarities have been pointed out, but I think we share the same way of thinking. The management of Fukuoka Bank at the time was also admirable for accepting this plan without prioritizing economic efficiency. It's Ai Fukuoka.

nächste Bank

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