Bambino i Munakata




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1-chōme-4-5 Sue, Munakata, Fukuoka 811-3405, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 940-51-6108
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.8093613, Longitude: 130.5610828

kommentar 5

  • 福岡県民の休日fuk_holiday



    A calm, impersonal cafe. The interior design was well thought out, and the light streaming in through the large windows was lovely. I'll come again! A calm, inorganic cafe. I felt that they had taken great care in the interior design, and the light coming in through the large windows was very nice. I'll come back later!

  • Minorock7 Wino

    Minorock7 Wino


    Eating pasta in a stylish restaurant makes me happy. I also recommend bread. The gentle sweetness is very delicious. It's quiet along the road so you might miss it.

  • A S

    A S


    A cute cafe with a handmade feel. The atmosphere makes you want to come if it's near your home. Lots of used books, especially books on making sweets. Although the antique-style tables and chairs were different, the taste matched and I felt a sense of style. The cake looked like it was homemade and was very delicious.

  • 紅茶



    Second visit. I think they are health-oriented and natural-oriented. Blended coffee 550 yen (plus chocolate for 50 yen) The sugar is Luo Hanguo. The vessels are stylish with Japanese ceramics. When I couldn't hold it because it was too hot, they lent me mittens. The atmosphere of the store is nice, and the staff's atmosphere and customer service are very pleasant. He is an easy-going person. I can understand the reviews about having to wait when there are a lot of customers. A place where you forget time. Understand that this is the kind of store we are, It is a good idea to check the crowd level in advance and visit with plenty of time. Wi-Fi available◎ Outlets are only installed at seats with books. Payment is by cash only. There is a parking lot next to the store◎

  • Douglas Margolis

    Douglas Margolis


    Best coffee near Akama Station. It's a small place with free wifi, pleasant atmosphere, and very kind owner.

nærmeste Cafe

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