Azabu Court en Minato-ku

JapónAzabu Court


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4 Chome-4-5-39 Minamiazabu, Minato-ku, Tōkyō-to 106-0047, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3446-8610
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Latitude: 35.649088, Longitude: 139.724702

comentarios 5

  • Zoe Kim

    Zoe Kim


    Such a great experience! The one bedroom suite is a little small on American standards, but the bed is huge. Compared to traditional hotels, this is very affordable. There are plenty of amenities and the staff was very helpful (and spoke English if you need it). It’s less than a 10 minute walk from the Hiroo station entrance which is super central. Would absolutely recommend this to any tourist!

  • en

    Sunh S.


    Okay excellent courts, good location one in Tokyo.

  • Harsh Chaturvedi

    Harsh Chaturvedi


    Attentive staff and good location

  • Gabrielle Rul

    Gabrielle Rul


    Stayed here twice now for long periods. Loveliest staff ever, good location, clean. My second home here in Japan

  • Alan Merrill

    Alan Merrill


    My "home away from home" in Tokyo for over 20 years now. I love this place. Beautiful Arisugawa park and the National Azabu foreign food packed supermarket just a few blocks away, easy to walk to. The Hiroo section of town where the place is located has many shops and restaurants that are elegant and upscale. It's a great deal. The best in town.

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