Ayumi Dental Clinic en Kurashiki

JapónAyumi Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

39-8 Bakurochō, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0824, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-423-4618
sitio web: ayumi-dc.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.5917319, Longitude: 133.7639667

comentarios 5

  • Happute LEON

    Happute LEON


    In addition to dental treatment, we also provide regular maintenance services. I am satisfied with the teachers and staff that I can trust.

  • ぴか



    Female dentist clinic. I went in for the first time for a regular dental checkup and had my teeth cleaned. Then, I was told that I would only clean my upper teeth and then ``I'll clean my lower teeth next time.'' Why can't you do it all in one go?

  • み。



    I don't want to give even 1 star. Even though the cavity had not healed at all, it was discovered that the tooth had been covered with silver. That's horrible. When I explained that the silver tooth that had been treated here came off and I went to another dentist, he said, "What? So you have a silver tooth on this tooth? I have to have the stitches removed from this tooth. "..." he said in shock, leaving me dumbfounded. Are you really a dentist? I lost a tooth. I feel nothing but anger.

  • taun gyi

    taun gyi


    His technique is very poor, he doesn't admit fault even though his bite is bad, and this is the worst response a doctor can take. I don't recommend going there.

  • Miia



    The policy was for the doctor and the staff to communicate using earphones and microphones, so the patient's wishes could not be directly communicated to the doctor, so the patient's wishes were misunderstood and he was treated badly, so I will never go there again.

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