Au Temps Jadis w Shibuya-ku

JaponiaAu Temps Jadis


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒150-0041 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, Jinnan, 1 Chome−5, 神南1−5−4 ロイヤルパレス原宿
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3770-2457
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.664896, Longitude: 139.70024

komentarze 5

  • Zoe Cheng

    Zoe Cheng


    Tucked away from the streets, this little french jardin reminded me of a small homey restaurant in France. Loved the caramel beurré salé crêpe!

  • Zoe Cheng

    Zoe Cheng


    Tucked away from the streets, this little french jardin reminded me of a small homey restaurant in France. Loved the caramel beurré salé crêpe!

  • Liesbeth Brederode

    Liesbeth Brederode


    This place is so cute! It's typical French in the way you would imagine a little French crêperie in the countryside to be. Even the toilet is styled into perfection. Oh and the service is impeccable and the crêpes are delicious :-)

  • Cain Lupus

    Cain Lupus


    👌💕It's got a very homey old-fashioned feel to it, which I found to be quite relaxing. The employees are very nice and provide excellent service. But even without all of that, they'd still get 5 stars just by merit of how incredibly delicious the food is. I can't even put into words how highly I recommend the food here. You will not be disappointed

  • Cain Lupus

    Cain Lupus


    👌💕It's got a very homey old-fashioned feel to it, which I found to be quite relaxing. The employees are very nice and provide excellent service. But even without all of that, they'd still get 5 stars just by merit of how incredibly delicious the food is. I can't even put into words how highly I recommend the food here. You will not be disappointed

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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