アート歯科マツダ en Miyazaki




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5-chōme-3-8 Tachibanadōrihigashi, Miyazaki, 880-0805, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 985-60-4618
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 31.9226194, Longitude: 131.425053

comentarios 5

  • latte



    This was my first visit for dental caries treatment. Not only the doctor but also the dental hygienist were very kind and treated me with great care, so I didn't feel any pain. I'm really glad that I received treatment at Art Dental Mazda! thank you very much. If you are wondering which dentist to go to, I confidently recommend him! !

  • c ao

    c ao


    Ever since I was scolded by the dentist and dental hygienist I used to go to when I was a child, I hated going to the dentist, but the doctor and all the staff here were so kind that I started going there every month! I wish we had met earlier...! The treatments are also very thorough and will be there for you.

  • くろきあみこ



    I went to my appointment time and was able to see the doctor fairly quickly, but by the time I left, the waiting room was full. Isn't it just the people who made a reservation?It was strange that there was only one vacant parking lot even though there were few people inside.

  • しらたま団子



    I have been going to orthodontist since I was in elementary school. My teeth are now perfectly aligned and I am now 21 years old, but I have never had a cavity. The dental assistants and doctors are very kind, polite, and easy to work with. I have now moved out of the prefecture and am no longer able to commute here, which is a shame.

  • hiroaki W

    hiroaki W


    The best part is that the doctor's treatment is thorough. The one that was repaired about 30 years ago is still in use. I am impressed by the fact that the instructions for the dental hygienists are confirmed and given over and over again in a voice that is easy to understand. The clinic is bright and the restrooms are clean.

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