Asoka Hospital in Koto City

JapanAsoka Hospital


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1-chōme-18-1 Sumiyoshi, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0002, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3632-0290
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6899811, Longitude: 139.8120564

kommentare 5

  • Adam Eversole

    Adam Eversole


    I want to write a review for the Asoka Hospital. they are truly incredible! We lived in Tokyo before many years ago and had just returned here for a few months. The second day back to Japan my wife was in extreme pain due to rotator cuff pain. I literally carried her in to the hospital. All of the staff from receptionist to the doctor and nurses were amazing and helpful to all of the our needs throughout our stay. I cannot thank you enough for helping my wife. They were all incredible and thorough during out stay here and we will be forever grateful for your care!

  • Lisa Eversole

    Lisa Eversole


    I cannot say enough good things about Asoka Hospital, it was very clean and orderly, and foreigner friendly and when I really needed them, they came through with 5 star service! Miyako Yamamoto came out and assisted us and has very good English, she kept checking in on us, and walked us through almost everything, translating when needed. We know Japanese pretty well, but not medical terms. I was in a lot of pain, and they got me in with very little delay. I was feeling like I was going to pass out, and asked for some cracker or something, and Ms. Yamamoto actually went to the 7-eleven nearby and bought me some crackers and water (and then refused to take any money for it). Talk about above and beyond the call of duty! We saw the Dr., had 6 X-Rays taken and were prescribed 5 medications. This all happened in a couple of hours (fast for the Japan Medical system), and cost all of $100 US. Unbelievable! Ms. Yamamoto even gave us her cell number at the hospital in case we needed any further assistance. Wow! If you have a medical need in Tokyo, this is the place to go!

  • Kumar Abhinav

    Kumar Abhinav


    This is one of the best hospital I have visited in Tokyo. The staffs are very kind and helpful. It is foreigner friendly and also has English support available. Late July I have Appendicitis operation here, the doctor is well skilled and the nursing staff took very good care in the overall process. The hospital has many departments and is a single go to option for any illness.

  • wen jie feng

    wen jie feng


    I have got very nice treatment when was visiting Tokyo and special thank Ms. Minajok Yamamoto! She is kindly and thoughtful speaking English coodinator of Nursing Department. Her helping got me an unforgettable experience.

  • Zsolt Vasvari

    Zsolt Vasvari


    I had the fortune (as much as it can be) of visiting Asoka Hospital for a kidney-stone problem. The recommendation was given by the Tokyo Metropolitan Health hotline. I got an appointment in 2 hours notice. While it is in an area of Tokyo that's a bit off the beaten path, the hospital itself is very modern. When I arrived around 1pm, there were only a few elderly people waiting. At the entrance they used a high tech temperature checking system to screen the patients. I gave my name and I was immediately greeted by Yamamoto san, who spoke very good English, helped fill out the forms, and accompanied me throughout the entire visit. She even graciously called for a taxi at the end. She explained they are trying to attract more foreign patients. I hope it works for them. The urologist in attendance, Koyama sensei was also extremely good. He spent at least 15 mins explaining things with Yamamoto san translating where needed. Then again, there were no other patients waiting for urology -- far cry from the typical foreigner-frequented medical places I've been to in Tokyo. Even with the CT scan, lab work, consultation and pharmacy, I was out of there in about 75 mins. Overall a great experience and I highly recommend it if you don't mind a location that's a bit far. Once again, I need to thank Yamamoto san for everything.

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